• Tips For Troubleshooting Eczema Triggers For Your Kids

    When your child suffers from eczema, there's a good chance that he or she may have some kind of allergy or other sensitivity that's the underlying cause. The sooner you can recognize that trigger, the easier it will be to minimize your child's symptoms. Identifying the source may take a process of elimination, so it could take time. Here are a few tips to help you narrow down what's causing the itchy rash on your child's skin.
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  • Getting To Know More About Gorlin Syndrome

    The skin is the largest organ of the human body. However, for many people, conditions that affect the skin are largely a mystery, especially when they affect children. One condition that many people are not aware of is Gorlin syndrome. Get to know more about this rare condition that affects the skin as well as numerous other systems in the body so that you know what to look out for and what you can do if your child is diagnosed with the condition.
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  • 3 Tips To Help Prevent Scarring After A Mole Removal

    The identification of a problematic mole can be a simple way to reduce your chances of developing dangerous skin cancer in the future. If your dermatologist has suggested that you have a suspicious mole removed, you may find yourself worrying about the amount of scarring the procedure will leave behind. Here are three simple tips you can use to help reduce the amount of scarring you will experience after your mole removal.
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  • Looking To Get Tan? The Dangers Of Sunbathing

    You may look forward to sitting out in the sun this summer to get that golden tan. While a certain amount of sunlight on your skin is healthy, too much can create serious health problems. The most common form of cancer is skin cancer, with more than nine thousand people in recent years losing their lives to it. Before you overdo your tanning, you may want to see how the sun contributes to this dangerous health problem and the current treatment options.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Prurigo Nodularis

    Prurigo nodularis, also called nodular prurigo, is a skin disease that is characterized by the presence of itchy bumps. This disease can be very distressing for sufferers. Here are three things you need to know about prurigo nodularis. What are the signs of prurigo nodularis? If you develop this condition, you'll notice itchy bumps on your skin. These bumps can be anywhere between 3 and 20 millimeters in diameter and tend to be firm, symmetrical, and scaly.
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  • Potential Treatments For Reducing The Effects Of Argyria

    Colloidal silver -- tiny granules of the metal suspended in liquid -- can sound like a miracle cure for various health problems. This alternative treatment is promoted in certain circles as a natural antibiotic and a remedy for conditions such as shingles, diabetes, arthritis and even cancer. Unfortunately, consuming colloidal silver for several months or longer can lead to a blue-gray skin discoloration known as argyria.  Argyria has proven very difficult to treat.
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  • Answers To Three Questions Concerning Hair Removal Treatments

    Body hair can be unsightly, and continually removing it can be a time-consuming task. Fortunately, there are laser hair removal treatments that can be used to help you. For those that are not knowledgeable about these procedures, deciding whether they are a good option can be difficult, but once you have had the following three questions answered, you will be a more informed patient when you are making a decision about whether laser hair removal is right for you.
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  • Three Reasons You Might Consider Microdermabrasion For Your Skin

    If you want your skin to look better and have been looking at different treatments to determine which is best for you, you might have come across the word microdermabrasion and not known what is was. Microdermabrasion is a way to clear adult acne, smooth and exfoliate the skin and make your skin tone look more even. This procedure happens by using a high-pressure machine to spray tiny crystals on the surface of the top layer of your skin.
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  • 3 Tips For Preventing Extreme Dryness When Using Acne Products That Contain Benzoyl Peroxide

    Benzoyl peroxide is a popular ingredient that is used in acne medications. It is applied topically, and when done correctly the skin will dry and peel. This reaction is due to the fact that the peroxide is killing off the bacteria in the skin that causes acne. However, extreme dryness can often result in a burning sensation. The extreme dryness and burning typically go away once the product is no longer being used, but they can lead to discomfort if you have to use it regularly.
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